Connect Locally, Live Socially

Check out Peek. The app is currently in private beta mode, but you can still sign up for the future release.

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Find Friends, Events, and more

☑️ Meet New Friends Locally
☑️ Find events
☑️ Share your moments etc.

Your social life, reimagined

Discover local events and hotspots, from bars and clubs to concerts and restaurants. Connect with other attendees or people nearby, make new friends, and share memorable experiences. Engage with your community and explore what your city has to offer with Peek. Your social life, reimagined.

Real Users, Real Feedback

In a recent market research study conducted by Tre Kronor Media, we surveyed 1,000 young adults aged 18-30 from New York and Los Angeles to understand their views on Peek and what they’re looking for in a social app.

Here’s what we found
  • 90% Would Try Peek: An overwhelming 90% of respondents expressed interest in trying out Peek after seeing a demo of the app. This high level of interest shows that people are excited about an app that helps them discover local events and meet new people in real life.
  • Positive First Impressions: 70% of those surveyed had a positive overall impression of Peek, with nearly 40% stating they had a very positive impression. Users appreciated Peek’s focus on fostering genuine connections and making real-life socializing easier and more accessible.
  • A Need for Real Connections: The study also revealed that traditional social media platforms are often seen as lacking in personal connection, with many users craving more meaningful interactions. Peek addresses this need by promoting authentic, face-to-face engagements in local communities.

Join the growing number of people who are ready to make real connections with Peek. Sign up for early access today and be the first to experience a new way of socializing!

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At Social Shift, we believe in building solutions that address real societal needs. Our partnership with Tre Kronor Media for market research was crucial in confirming that people are eager for a new way to connect locally. This research reassured us that Peek isn’t just another app—it’s a platform people genuinely want and need to bring virtual connections into their real lives.